Pinterest for Hair and Beauty Salons


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Using Pinterest for business marketing is a very good idea if you run a hair or beauty salon.

There's one very good reason for this – its users:

97% of Pinterest users are women

20% of all women who use the internet use Pinterest

It also has a fairly high degree of correlation between people who pin or repin something and people who actually want that thing.

This makes it perhaps the most perfect social media platform for you and your salon. Your ideal audience is the only audience you'll find!

Here's how and why you should think about using Pinterest:

Why using Pinterest for business marketing is a good idea

Using Pinterest for business marketing is a smart plan for at least five reasons in addition to the ideal audience you'll find there:

  • It's very visual
  • Your hair or beauty salon lends itself to the creation of large amounts of very visual content. Plus, if you're a stylist, the visual arts should come fairly naturally to you. This is ideal for Pinterest.

  • It's simple and easy to maintain
  • Social media marketing for hair and beauty salons can easily become a time sink. No so with Pinterest!

    All you need to do is take your photos, tag them, write a quick description and you're good to leave them to do their work.

  • You inspire customers to use you
  • Pinterest is all about inspiration. People look around to find images which inspire them. That could be yours!

    By creating boards of styles, colours and treatments you offer, you make it much more likely that when it's time to act on that inspiration, those people will come to you.

    Just be sure your pins include links to your website.

  • You can use it to sell
  • As well as inspiring people and encouraging them to book an appointment with you, you can also use Pinterest to sell any beauty or haircare products you stock in your salon.

    If you opt to do this, you will want to choose product ranges which are a little trickier to find. If they're the sort of thing you can find anywhere, you might not do so well.

  • You can drive people to your website
  • One of the most important things to include in your pin is a link to your website. If your unique content gets pinned and repinned, any sort of popularity it gets is translated into clicks on your website.

    All you need then is for your website to be persuasive enough to turn visitors into potential customers and you're good to go.

Pinterest for business – tips to get results

Once you've managed the basics of setting up your Pinterest account (linking it to your salon's website, most importantly), you will quickly be able to get the hang of creating pins and boards.

Using Pinterest for business tips your salon from the “good” side of the line to the “highly profitable” side relatively easily. Or, at least, it can. If you know how to get the best out of it...

Here are some great Pinterest marketing tips:

  • Taller is beautiful
  • Taller, more vertical pins always perform better on Pinterest because of the long, narrow width of the display slides.

  • Aim for:
    • Minimum 600-pixel width
    • Dimensions of 2:3 or 1.3:5
    • Don't go for the maximum 1.2:8 dimension as this doesn't seem to work so well

  • Include a text overlay
  • An image might be worth a thousand words. But with so many beautiful images to choose from on Pinterest, a couple of words overlaying your image can help browsers know what they're going to get by clicking your pin.

    • Don't go too far with this – and make sure your text:
    • Is smart and well-crafted to attract the right kind of attention
    • Is made up of short sentences and easy to read
    • Can be read easily against the image background (contrasting colours)
    • Quickly describes the nature of your pin – listicle, tutorial, etc.

  • Use Pin It for Later
  • Use “Pin It for Later” links on all of your social media platforms and see your engagement skyrocket! People like to imagine a time a short distance into the future when they can be relaxing and perusing your beautiful images.

    • All you need to do is:
    • Create a Pin It for Later link
    • Add the correct pin URL
    • Use it in your social media posts
    • Be sure to explain what it is
    • Say “Pin It for Later!” in your post

Those are some great Pinterest for business tips right there! Armed with these, you should become confident with your Pinterest posting nice and quickly.

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Need to know more about using Pinterest for business marketing?

Get in touch. Local Fame helps hair and beauty salons around the world succeed with their social media.

Contact us today and get the answers to any questions you might have about getting the best from yours.

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