Today’s business is far more than just about break-even and start generating profits. Attracting and keeping local customers is much more dependant on the internet than ever before.
Around 85% of customers are taking decisions based on the information they get online. With these rates, it is simply foolish to ignore the web with all the opportunities and tools it offers. In fact, we see a gradient shift from complementarianism of these tools to essentialism.

One of the easiest ways for people find local businesses online is Google Maps that use Google My Business directory for smart search results and map-based suggestions in a form of “Nearby” function. Now if you are looking for a place to have coffee with your friends, you can make an area specific search for the certain category of businesses (be it a coffee shop, restaurant, museum or anything else). You can search area next to your current location or any other place of your choice.

“Okay, so what?” you may say. Why is that information important to my small business success? Well, remember that 85 % of customers? Imagine all of them passing by your restaurant and entering your main rival’s place. That is an absolutely realistic scenario. If you don’t add the business to Google Maps, it won’t appear on the map near the client and they might never discover you. Within minutes, customers scan through ratings, photos and overall location characteristics and place a booking for a table. That means they might not even see your restaurant on the way to your competitor since they have already settled everything online. In the age of internet its importance can’t be overestimated. If you think your restaurant doesn't leverage internet and maps tools to the fullest, you might consider investing into online marketing strategy.
Apart from usual business processes management, every modern restaurant should start caring for it’s online presence and online identity. Supporting official pages on social media and life-essential business directories and listings is a legit business process any small new business (i.e. restaurants) that struggle to attract new customers must have. However, even the largest restaurant in town can lose the online battle to your small restaurant, if you make sure you are backing yourself up online. Developing a proper website for restaurants is absolutely critical. With 85% of customers ‘googling’ for places, you shouldn't underestimate investing in online marketing for your restaurant. To put it simply, it is much more expensive for you not to be presented in front of all those users, rather than putting resources into converting website viewers into real visitors.
If you seek advice or consultancy regarding online marketing services and strategies for your restaurant, feel free to call us or send us your question through Contact Form.