People like to know who they're doing business with, they always have and they always will. At times, using the internet for your marketing makes giving customers a sense of who you are more difficult. Therefore, take every opportunity to introduce a personal touch. A well-crafted “Welcome”, “We miss you” and “Thank you” emails are a great opportunity to make your customers feel good about choosing to do business with you.
“Hello” - Making a Great Impression

You'll find lots of templates for welcome emails on the net, whichever you use there are a few things to bear in mind:
Content: How do you want your customer to feel? Happy, excited, reassured? Maybe you want to make an introductory offer. Do thank your customer for their time, interest in the purchase. Make this as personal and specific as possible. A generic 'thank you for your purchase' doesn't mean as much as a more tailored sentence stating just what your customer has actually bought.
Style, tone or voice: As a solicitor you'll probably want to set a formal tone that establishes your professionalism. If you're selling adventure holidays, however, you'll need something as upbeat as you can make it.
Presentation: This is definitely not the time for grammar mistakes or bad spelling. Do proofread, or better yet get someone else to proofread for you. It's a deeply human thing - you'll see what you think you've written, rather than what you actually have typed!
Keep it short: Most people are busy. When they open a long missive they mostly likely won't get past the first paragraph. Keep your message short and it will get read.
Send your email from a real person: A message from antonia@localfame is much more likely to be read by a customer than info@localfame.
The Email Series
Event-triggered email, a common part of email marketing, is a message that’s sent to a listed subscriber informing them of a promotion or discount available to them. Another form of triggered email is one that’s automatically sent to subscribers in a response to the action they’ve taken (such as completing a purchase). This could be in a form of a confirmation message after the payment or a welcome email after a customer joins your mailing list. You can define what triggers the interaction before you begin.
You’ll be wise to research the information needed to create your trigger-based emails and may benefit greatly from the help of a marketing agency to provide you with all the tools you need. Just take a look at the successful online retailers such as Amazon to see how smart email marketing can be!
Automating email delivery for the right customers at the right time will undoubtedly build strong business-to-customer relationship and nurture leads, ensuring the growth of your small business. Use all emails to gather important feedback from your existing and potential customers as well as using the relevant news to drive email conversions. Take the time to learn how trigger-based emails work and start connecting today.
Emails to Inactive Users
Here are 3 Simple Steps How You Do It ...
STEP 1 - You’ll to need to think about how you can track user behaviour. There are plenty of great online tools you can use. Alternatively, you can get some help from expert marketing professionals to give you a helping hand.
STEP 2 - Then get your team together and brainstorm some ideas for driving engagement, and how you can get inactive users to come back onboard. Here're 3 examples to get the ball rolling:
STEP 3 - Now it's time to test and send out those emails by setting up a trigger-based email campaign, or using an online tool. Don't just send them out without testing your messages to see how successful they've been.
“Thank You”
Personal and professional thank you notes have many benefits and are making a comeback. Research has shown that expressing gratitude in this way makes your company stand out and allows the customer to enjoy opening the note and reading the message, encouraging them to retain the personal relationship with you.
Your business would be unable to survive without a base of loyal customers. It’s all too easy to forget how much they really matter to your day-to-day operations, so you should seriously consider saying how much you appreciate them regularly. For a really personal touch, you can send your clients a handwritten card or letter thanking them for their business, their support, and telling them how much you value their feedback. You can also include a contact name and number for future enquiries.

If you own a small business you can handwrite the letters yourself and ask other staff members to help you. Create a diary and enter dates of mailings and forward details to the next appropriate posting. It’s been proven that concluding a business transaction with a handwritten note has a positive and memorable effect. Make sure you relate the note to the individual customer using their name and specifying why you’ve chosen to write to them. Take the time to sign the note properly.
Handwritten words can be ordered online from larger businesses and mailed for you. Just choose a template and send your message with details of the recipient and in a few days your handwritten mail will arrive at its destination. Make sure you opt for quality paper and premium envelopes and ask for a photograph of the final letter for your records. For easy budgeting, get a free quote before you order.
You can easily get a free consultation with some of the experts in Local Fame's team to discuss how they can help you with email marketing campaigns and so much more.