Facebook for Beauty and Hair Salons


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Do you run a salon beauty business? Is your Facebook business marketing in need of improvement? Do you spend a lot of time on creating amazing content for Facebook yet receiving poor engagement? We’ve got just the right tips for you so let’s get polishing.

With Facebook constantly updating its rules and algorithm, it is essential to bear in mind the need to stay up-to-date with the platform - in other words, refresh and update your page regularly. Not sure where to start? Keep on reading to learn our top Facebook marketing tips.

1. Compelling cover and profile photos

You can only make a first impression once – so you better make it a really good one! Naturally, as a highly visual platform, you page’s cover and profile photos are just the right way to shine on Facebook as they are what your potential new salon clients will see when visiting your page.

  • Consider matching the cover and profile photo

  • Following a specific colour theme is one way to achieve that attention-captivating effect that you want for your salon Facebook page. Remember that they need to visually complement each other and fit your salon branding.

  • Right size

  • Facebook recommends that you cover photo is 820 pixels wide by 312 pixels tall. It works perfectly for both mobile users and desktop users.

  • Capture attention and stand out from the crowd

  • Got 1stthe perfect drop-dead gorgeous photo of your salon? Your salon’s Facebook cover photo is just the place to showcase it! Bonus points if you can turn it into a visually stimulating video as videos perform very well on Facebook.

Up-to-date Facebook information

This is an essential salon Facebook marketing tip! Don’t underestimate the power of information – your clients need it to make an informed consumer decision. So, when was the last time you updated your Facebook page – let’s have a quick check!

  • - Have you provided all relevant information
  • - Any links to your other social media profiles and websites?
  • - Is your information up-to-date?
  • - Exact location, phone number, opening hours?
  • - Listed products or services your beauty salon offers


Do you often encourage your customers to leave reviews on your salon Facebook page? Truth is, authentic reviews are pretty essential in attracting new clientele. Think of it as modern and digital form of word-of-mouth. Bonus tip: Encourage your clients to leave reviews for a chance to win a free procedure or discount.

Polish your content and interact with the followers

Do you often post content just for the sake of posting something? Don’t. Choose your content wisely and plan ahead through the help of the Facebook schedule tool. Make sure that your content provides value to your followers and is captivating, engaging and showcases your salon’s expertise. Here’s what you might want to include:

  • Before/After transformations of your clients – these are a great way to demonstrate the awesome things that your salon staff can do! They can also serve as an inspiration to potential clients and spark their desire for their very own transformation.
  • Posts that inspire discussion – poll questions, asking your followers how their day was, replying back to their comments. For a successful Facebook page, you need to interact with your followers and that is a “must”. Not only does it improve your overall engagement but also increases their brand loyalty as they feel like they can always turn to you for questions and advice.
  • Storytelling – A wise man once said “Facts tell. Stories sell”. Make sure that your storytelling is on point!
  • Giveaways and contests – Using your Facebook platform to promote your salon’s offers and providing your followers with a chance to win exciting prizes (such as getting a free haircut, for example) can do wonders for your engagement. Why not make use of it?

See what’s working and analyse

A great Facebook marketing tip that is often overlooked is to analyze your Facebook insights. Going through your salon’s page insights allows you to see which types of post receive the most engagement - comments, likes, shares, reviews. Make sure that you also check how much traffic is going back to your website through Facebook - you can do this by looking at your Google Analytics.

Knowing what’s working and what’s not is essential for your salon’s social media strategy. If your Facebook content doesn’t successfully drive traffic to your website or increase purchase then it’s time for a change!

To sum it up…. A great Facebook page is all about connecting with your followers and having fun!

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PDF Topic: "Beauty and Hair Salons Facebook Basics"

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