How to Use Snapchat for Business


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Is your business on Snapchat? No? Well, maybe you should change this! Launched in 2011, Snapchat is an extremely popular form of social media which has more than 100 million daily active users, resulting in an average of 9,000 pictures snapped per second. Not only that but Snapchat is an excellent marketing tool for businesses, especially if you are targeting a younger audience. Currently, the app is positioning itself as one of the most interactive ways for businesses to reach their audience and create a sense of personal relationship. Wondering how to use snapchat for business purpose? Keep on reading!

Snapchat Marketing – Where to start?

  • Username – make sure you choose your snapchat name wisely, because you will not be able to change it after. Bear in mind that your account name should be short, sweet and easy to remember.
  • Putting a face to the brand – here is an old-school marketing trick that you can successfully apply to Snapchat as part of your snapchat marketing strategy. You can create your very own avatar – Bitmoji, to put a face to your brand. All you have to do is download the Bitmoji app and link it to your Snapchat account.
  • Creating the BEST-SNAP-EVER - to take a photo, simply press the bottom circular button. Press and hold to take a video. Once you take a photo, you can adjust how long the picture will last (from one to 10 seconds). One of the best things about Snapchat is how interactive your snaps can be. You can doodle, add emojis, stickers, filters, text, even duplicate parts of the photos you take and turn them into stickers. It is ideal for keeping your audience engaged and interacting with your business.

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    PDF Topic: " Snapchat for beauty and hair salons"

  • Filters and text – Unless the picture speaks a thousand words, I suggest it is always best to include a text to the snap as it adds context. If you are feeling more creative you can play around with filters too as Snapchat offers some of the best AI filters. From turning yourself (or someone from your staff) into a cute puppy, to animating yourself as a cartoon, Snapchat can turn you (or anyone else) into whoever you want to be (almost!).
  • Staff Stories – Looking for a way to build relationship with your customers and employees? Posting stories of your team adds personal value – remember people buy from people. Showing off your staff puts a face to the brand.
  • GIFs and stickers – When it comes to keeping your social media presence interactive, very few features perform better than GIFs and stickers. Creating a unique snap is easier than ever, all you have to do is choose the paper icon below the pencil tool and choose to add GIFs, stickers, and emojis.

So.. why is Snapchat Marketing (and all of the above) important for your business?

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Apart from allowing you to establish a more personal sense of relation with your clients (or potential ones), snapchat features such as “stories” are an amazing way to show your audience the inside “scoop” your daily business activities. Potential customers get an idea of what to expect from your workplace, as well as feel more connected to it. Moreover, it allows your employees to express their unique personalities through creating their own snaps and leaving their signature as a mark.

Last but not least, there are also Live Stories, which gives your business the potential to host events and allow users who are at the same event to contribute with Snaps and create a sense of community.

While there is a lot you can post and do on Snapchat, the key to an efficient snapchat marketing strategy is adding value and providing a “backstage” experience to your followers. Snapchat is different than Facebook and Instagram, as it is more personal. Here are some ideas to try for your business:

  • Daily “behind the scenes” snaps – no need to be shy, showcase your work and staff.
  • Product/ Service Reviews – get creative with Snapchat to share 10-second videos to creatively review your products or services.
  • Exclusive content and experience – In order to get followers, offer them unique exclusive experience. Share “behind the scenes” snaps, tease about new services or products, even special offers exclusive to your Snapchat followers. Bring your following to VIP events, tradeshows and conferences!

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