Today’s business is far more than just about break-even and start generating profits. Attracting and keeping local customers is much more dependant on the internet than ever before. Around 85% of customers are taking decisions based on the information they get online. With these rates, it is simply foolish to ignore the web with all…
Today we’ll share with you the first part of our latest project – 56 Tips for Online Marketing for Restaurants. Make sure to follow us the following weeks if you want to learn about the latest internet marketing techniques. Online marketing for restaurants is a vital part of your overall advertising campaign. The hospitality industry…
Google Maps is much more than an interactive navigation service. It’s the most powerful source of customers for small, geographically-specific businesses. With Google Maps you can promote your business by creating your own Google My Business Page with just a few clicks. The service is available to all businesses that can verify their location. If…
Online marketing for local business is an excellent tool to get more attention from potential customers. Conventional methods of marketing like print media or television advertising are much less expansive in approach and allow for much less creativity. In online marketing, you can go as creative as you wish and interactive, multimedia advertising with the…
Doesn’t matter how good you are or how brilliant your service is, without the correct marketing new customers will simply pass you by. Nowadays a large number of people first look for ideas on the internet and if your business is not on there you will be missing out on potential new custom. For those…
Marketing does not lend itself to easy interpretation. The Internet has proved to an incredibly diverse and constantly evolving digital organism with countless ways to succeed on, but with countless possibilities comes a great risk. You risk spinning around in circles chasing your tail without much achieved despite all the efforts to try every and…
You hope it will never happen, and for your sake so do we. But in business all things are possible, and sooner or later you may discover that someone has posted a negative review of your enterprise on a local search page. Your heart will sink when your read it, you’ll probably be anxious about…
The Why and the How of Brand Marketing for Local Businesses from Local Fame. If you think of brand marketing as something that’s only relevant to global concerns you’re looking at it backwards. Any company that’s succeeded in becoming recognised world-wide has done so precisely because they’ve invested time, energy and budget in developing a…